Daniel Feistenauer
Artist Representation, Fashion, Portrait
Paris, Berlin
Daniel is currently living and working in Hamburg, Berlin and Paris. His work mainly focuses on empathic portraits projects and fashion works. Daniel studied photography at the university of applied sciences in Hamburg in the class of Ute Mahler and received his bachelor of arts. He works also as filmmaker and shoots music videos and documentaries. Since 2020 he holds Photography Lectures at the Acadamy Fashion & Design, Berlin.
He worked for clients as Adidas, Borshch Magazine, Brand Eins, Das Magazin, Die Zeit, F.A.Z. Quarterly, Lufthansa, LVMH, Nike, Rolling Stone, Spiegel, Tresor Records, Welthungerhilfe, Vice, Vogue, Das Wetter, and Zeitmagazin.
selected Exhibitions:
2020 Magnum Photos & Der Greif, “When I becomes we, even illness becomes wellness“
2019 Polycopies, Paris
2019 Goosee Awards, british Culture, Berlin
2019 stapled, Galerie Âme Nue
2019 Yahya Yaykan, Paul Roosen Contemporary
2018 Weitsprung Award, Hamburg
2018 Goodbye Blue Sky, Galerie Âme Nue
2018 Portraits - Homeparkpress, Galerie Ame Nue
2018 Fabrique, Gängeviertel, Hamburg,
2017 ZEIT, Kulturreich Galerie, Hamburg
2016 INNEN Ausstellung, Westwerk, Hamburg
2016 Das Wetter, St. Georg, Berlin
2015 die neue elite, Westwerk, Hamburg
Languages: English
GoSee Profile: GoSee.News/danielfeistenauer