Giusy Naitana
owner / film&video editor
Film Production, Final Artwork, Colour Grading
Giusy Naitana was born (1974) and raised in The Netherlands (Amsterdam-region), with a Dutch-Italian family background and started her creative career in dance and music at the Scapino Ballet Academy.
During her studies at the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, she worked on different projects in the film industry, including advertising, documentary, graphic design and feature film. She graduated with a bachelor in film editing in 2005 with one television series “Docklands” ( rewarded with Cinekid Kinderkast jury award,), a short fiction “Lena” and one interactive installation ” Night Watcher”.
In 2006, she moved to Athens, picked up Greek (fluently) and worked as 1st assistant and co-editor for a Greek television series and three Greek feature films. The last film she worked on ” Knifer” received 7 Hellenic Academy awards including “best editing”. After living in Greece for almost 3 years she and her family decided to move to Denmark to follow their personal dreams and ambitions and to get new input and inspiration.
In 2012 she founded kliipLAB together with her colleague Wiebe van der Vliet.
At kliipLAB we are using our classical film background and focuse on international postproduction.
Building stories and exploring new ways of storytelling are our biggest passion.
Languages: English
GoSee Profile: GoSee.News/kliiplab