Die Bildbeschaffer GmbH
Art Buying
Bildbeschaffer is the brainchild of two old hands in the industry.
Michaela Koch and Alexander Karst have been working with images and licenses for 20 years and know the pitfalls of this business, especially against the backdrop of significant market changes due to digitalization, the democratization of photography and changes in the media landscape.
Their passion is not only for beautiful motifs, but above all for the task of providing the right image for the right project. Day after day, the eight image procurers comb through archives, discover new picture agencies, track down excellent photographers and have a feel for what fits together. They act as consultants from start to finish, handle the process and are able to negotiate excellent conditions and recognize legal pitfalls at an early stage.
The BILDBESCHAFFER are based in Hamburg's Karolinenviertel district, from where they have access to an extensive network of specialists: Lawyers, computer scientists, printing specialists, etc.
Every three months, the Bildbeschaffer seminars provide two days of concentrated basic knowledge about images. Alexander Karst is also a guest lecturer at the BAW in Munich.
Professionals from companies and institutions can exchange ideas at the two-day Network:Image symposium. In in-house workshops, the image procurement experts tailor their know-how to the needs of the customer and train employees and entire departments.
Languages: German
GoSee Profile: GoSee.News/die-bildbeschaffer
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